Monday, June 15, 2009

A Long Time Coming...

Countless things have taken place since the last time I posted anything, most of them for the better! Take for example, a simple new layout (which is still in the process..) to usher in summer and some recent Art Deco influence (really the only positive thing to come out of research papers). While cleaning up my living space, I thought simultaneously uncluttering my blog space and getting rid of that dense color scheme would put me on the turn around as far as posting goes.

The end of last month signalled my school's Evening of the Arts juried art show and I garnered several blue ribbons and a juror's choice. Juried art shows can be risky business for the ego...such a relief to feel justly awarded. My winnings included 1st Place display, 1st Place Painting (a piece from the cross cultural concentration), 1st Place Portraiture (Baron C.C.), and a Juror's Choice for "Blowfly" for Mr. Ron Boat. Below, a shot of my display prior to judging.

Final thoughts for this art year? Some of it seems childish, and some of it is.

However, the newer series feels as though it's taking me in the right direction. My latest, entitled "American Passage", stays true to the visual elements expressed in my last post but some expirimentation is evident and I'm pleased with the overall size of the "canvas" (it's really masonite..).

And what of it....

When we look at the quality of craftsmanship of the glory days in American automotive engineering, it certainly isn't horsepower alone that made the automobile. Perhaps it was the sense of something well built, luxurious and maybe even 'too much' that we remember...and what a difference it made for travel!

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