Monday, February 23, 2009

Resin Piece - #1 [Clay Figs/Garlic]

Finally, my very first resin art piece! I created a gradient background on mat board that has been treated to withstand the resin and a polypropelene mold. The little white embeddings are made from a polymer clay, and were originally figs...but I realize that their whiteness makes them look more garlicky. I shall work on this.

I'm very pleased with the results. I spent an hour with a 220 grain sandpaper "frosting" the surface and annihilated my wrist in the process. But sitting here with my ice pack I'm finding it well worth it! There will be plenty more where this came from.

You can tell that the frosting has its imperfections. I'd like to find a better buffing compound or finer sandpaper. If anyone has a reccommendation, let me know.

Plaid courtesy of Banana Republic (the old stuff of course).

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